Follow the PICS Blog for all the latest news from the UK's leading ILR focused learner management suite.

We are completing our move to SaaS licensing

We are close to reaching the end of our transition from our old modular licensing model to our new...

Make the most of our connections with Advanced

PICS is now part of the Advanced group, a leading provider of software solutions across education...

We are removing the desktop PICS report and task scheduler

One of the final steps in the transition from desktop PICS to PICSWeb is the removal of the old...

Support cover over the holidays

As the holiday season approaches, we'd like to notify you of the support cover available through...

Use Geographical Information to Extend your Reporting

A range of geographical tools are available in PICS reports. When used well, these can add a new...

Out Now - IQA Tools and More

Our latest PICSWeb update is being released over the weekend, featuring several new features and...

Important information for customers using our bksb integration

If you are now using the PICSWeb integration with bksb, having migrated from the legacy Desktop...

Important information regarding late data changes

We have recently identified an issue concerning the updating of ILR aim information in PICS with...

Move to the 2022/23 ILR Year with PICS

With the 2022/23 ILR Year approaching, we are hard at work ensuring that the transition between...