3 min read

Now available New attendance report, changes to notes - and more!

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Please visit our What's New page for for details of all the features included in this release.


New Attendance Report

We've introduced a new report to allow customers to better report on attendance in PICS as well as introducing changes to existing reports.

New Report - Applicant Session Report. This report has been put in place to allow customers to report on sessions for applicants. Allowing customers to report on attendance from the applicant stage and throughout the learners journey.

Attendance Reports now include percentage figures for Attendance & Punctuality.
Attendance percentages have now been included in the Course Session Attendance Report & Course Session Attendance Summary Report. These percentage details both attendance and punctuality.

Additional Fields Added to the Course Session Attendance / Summary Reports. The following new fields have been added to both the Course Session Attendance Report & the Course Session Attendance Summary Report:

  • Programme Type

  • Attendee Start Date (Learner Episode, or Applicant Planned Start)

  • Attendee Expected End (Learner Episode, or Applicant Planned End)

  • Attendee Actual End (Learner Episode only)

  • Sex

  • Disability

  • Age (at the time the report is run)

  • Ethnicity

  • Episode Planned Learning Hours (2022, current, and 2024)

  • Episode Planned EEP Hours (2022, current, and 2024)

  • ILR Planned Learning Hours (2022, current, and 2024)

  • ILR Planned EEP Hours (2022, current, and 2024)

  • Programme Status


Default Files on Webforms.

We've introduced feature in Webforms that adds the ability for existing files on the entity, or the form owner’s officer to be automatically attached to a WebForm on creation. 

Against the file attachment is now a File Default Option, which provided customers with options to list an entity attachment and/or an officer attachment. When we create the form, we now automatically have the files attached.

Light Users Can Now Add Notes to Learner / Applicants.

We've expanded permissions on light users to now allow them to add and review notes against Learners & Applicants. This activity is controlled by the new light user permissions "Edit Learner Notes" & "Edit Applicant Notes" however this wont affect users who already have the permissions "Edit Learner Summary" or "Edit Applicant".


User Defined Ordering for Post Actions.

We've introduced the ability to set ordering of Post Actions within Status update workflows. Now customers will be able to assign a sequence value against each Post Action, with actions running from a sequence of lowest to highest.

Report on Post Action Failures.

We've also introduced an additional optional field to allow customers to report on Post Action Failures within the Learner Status, Applicant Status & Opportunities Status History Reports.




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