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Now available - Apprenticeship Accountability Framework & More!

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Please visit our What's New page for for details of all the features included in this release.


Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report & Dashboard

We're happy to announce the release of PICS Apprenticeship Accountability Framework for PICS Platinum SaaS customers. This exciting new feature allows customers to build a report to track apprenticeship delivery against the Apprenticeship Accountability specification set out by the Department for Education.

In addition to this, the Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Report can also be utilised alongside Qualification Achievement Rate reports. Data from both reports feeds into the new Apprenticeship Accountability Framework Dashboard, which presents this data against individual widgets with set metrics designed with the specification in mind. Furthermore, these metrics can be further customised, allowing customers to fine-tune them to their own business practices or introduce additional measured thresholds where needed.

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If you would like to discucss upgrading to our platinum offer please reach out to sales@pellcomp.co.uk 

QAR Reporting with Smart Coach risk data

We've introduced a fantastic feature which leverages Smart Assessor's progress tracking tool using Artificial Intelligence: Smart Coach.

Smart Coach uses Artificial Intelligence to identify the level of risk learners may pose in disengaging from their programme.

As part of the Smart Assessor integration, Smart Coach data can now populate the PICS Learners Risk field. In addition to this, we've factored this into our Qualification Achievement Rate reports, allowing customers to forecast their achievement rates based on risk, and clearly identifying what their achievement rates may look like should specific risk categories not achieve.


Colour-Coding Learner & Applicant Workflow Statuses

Customers can now enhance the workflow experience within PICS by assigning customer colours against workflow statuses for both Learners and Applicants. This enables customers to attribute different colours across the workflow journey to learners and applicants alike and identify when learners or applicants arrive at a particular workflow status based on the colour assigned.


Keychain Accounts

We've introduced the ability for multiple accounts to be created with the same email address. Additionally, these accounts can now be linked together, allowing users with linked accounts to seamlessly switch accounts without the need to log out of an existing account and log in with a new one!



Additional Features included in this release:

  • API Users can now be attributed to specific sites.

  • Send Communications within Workflows have been expanded to include User Defined Fields.

  • Compare Skills Scan Results by Role.